Music is one of the most popular art forms in all the world. This program lets you train your ear and learn how to distinguish different notes, scales and chords. It has a simple interface that shows the central octave of a piano keyboard. The program will let you hear a note or a sequence of notes, and you need to identify it/them by clicking on the corresponding keys of the virtual keyboard (or hitting the corresponding keys on your computer's keyboard). Then, the program will give you feedback about your performance. There are different types of exercises. You can set the program to test your ear by asking you about single notes, intervals, scales and chords. It is possible to set the program to show exercises in any of the different keys and modes, and to set it in any of the different music tempos, among other functions. Also, you can customize the interface of the program by choosing the font in which you want to read the tests' instructions.
The shareware version of the program shows a "nag screen" at startup. It also works continuously only during ten minutes, after which you need to restart it. If you want to get rid of these limitations, then you need to purchase a license, which is very affordable. If you are a professional or amateur musician, this program will be very useful for you.